I'm really shocked at the level of denialism regarding the Alawite massacre
Documentary on Althussers life and thinking with interviews from Étienne Balibar, Jacques Rancière and Pierre Macherey
The family is doing fine, guys! Lalo returned to Germany and opened a bar!
The ending will be devastating
Trying to settle an argument: Do you think that Lalo really liked the chicken at Los Pollos Hermanos?
Where to find Žižek Event Calendar (going to be in Ljubljana the next 2 days)
UFL Gameplay Reveal Trailer - (The official death of PES?)
Battlefield 2042 - But It's Battlefield 1 Ending Theme
Does anyone here know book series on Philosophy like these two from Bloomsbury and CUP?
Man this is some reddit level bad faith response from Laclau.
What happend to Zizek's friendship with Ernesto Laclau?
Jordan Peterson: I've read about 200 books on ecology in a two-year period
You know why I didn't take the prize? Because it's too small..
I have enough of PES... Konami you have NO excuse to be so lazy!
Need help with myClub! How to get GP offline?
Let me tell you a wonderful joke from soviet time and so on and son..
White nationalists need to get their house in order before they criticize the world
Jordan Peterson doesn't trust the climate science because it seems to him, that it's motivated by an anti-capitalist and anti-western ethos.
Is it possible to prove causality or PSR through the law of noncontradiction?
Melissa Bernstein (Producer of BCS and BraBad) loved seeing the responses to the character of Kim after the “unfounded the shamefully sexist” reactions to Skyler.
It's funny how small Kim's character was back in the series premiere (she literally had only two lines in the entire episode).
Better Call Saul Season 2 Episode 1 (Switch) - Table Read
Better Call Saul | Season 4 Deleted Scenes