What do you guys miss from windows ?
First Mac
Waking up in middle of the night
I want to work for free to gain experience, please guide me
4070 Super Strix Has Arrived!
Undergrad to PhD Advice
The upcoming update is a step in the right direction
Catching up on python
Absolute noob here, how do i even hit this ball consistently??
Banned for my teammate leaving during the first second? Thank you Pyonix...
The best flick of my career
Teammate FF'ed and I accepted, then this happened 😂
Addicts can’t moderate.
3070 Ti or 4070 Ti for 1440p 144Hz Gaming?
3070 Ti or 4070 Ti for 1440p 144Hz Gaming? Question
Need Help Selecting a New GPU
Is this normal? I stayed in low C1 for 6 months and then suddenly went up to C3 these two months
Beginner here, learning to turn
Sorry but its true
Total Goalie Beginner: Where do I start?
We can always reverse sweep
Creative Zone Wars Map Not Resetting After Each Round
hey Alexa, play I like it, I love it by Tim McGraw