Anyone know where I can get a cracked version of Fontographer?
Anyone know where I can get a cracked version of Fontographer when the one on Getintopc doesn't work?
How do I get rid of this feeling? Is this edging?
AITA for asking my bf not to do a PhD
Who was telling the truth??
WIBTD for giving unsolicited dating advice to my friend?
Saw under a post that said how "chivalry is dead because feminism ki""ed it"... the reply is horrid
which b99 character is this?
What are your Hot Takes on BBT?
Rosa theory
Can I use standard usb adapter for new device using an all c cable?
Ima li u blizini aerodroma Franjo Tuđman parking?
Radi li Raiffeisen u KEKSpay aplikaciji?
Gdje imaju custom keksi s motivom (Zg i okolica, ali moze i dalje ako se mogu naruciti)?
Gdje se mogu naručiti custom keksi s motivom (Zg i okolica, ali i dalje ako se mogu naručiti)?
AITA for telling my mom she’s being unreasonable for not letting me work part-time?
Anyone actually like Georgie and Mandy's first marriage?
Spotted on fb
This is just a horrible edit of the original
Ima li gdje dobar cheesecake u Zg?
Hoodies are Bi?
Job abuse
Apparently lesbians don't have sex.
Stuart’s character sucks