To figure out the reasons why he is universally despised
Help Me Name My Opus
This carnivore bloke
Is there reason beyond lore for the gold vs regular Captain?
Me watching all the people posting their new boxes and models and mine is still in transit
Would this model work as a Lord Exultant?
Let’s try this again! What historical figure do you think would be a Blood Angel or a successor chapter?
Any Idea what exactly that model is?
To have your mail delivered in peace
What are some meta EC units right now?
Wtf is going on with Amtrak's social media
Finding an apartment for me and my guy is one of the most depressing things I've ever done
Anything I can do to make them more templary?
Your metris is a snitch.
do i have enough for an army and it be functional (playing for the first time)
What’s your favorite card from the set you started playing in? I’ll go first.
Planning to kitbash inner circle companions into sword bros. Need advice on loadout.
Uhmmm…. Is that what I think it is?!
Do I need warhammer brand paint to paint or can I just use regular acrylic
I'm glad my fav helmet is ruin with a broom that I CANNOT remove whatsoever
Who is Creeping in the Background of my Title Screen???
What colour primer are you using?
Is this heresy?
Russian mother of dead soldier received Meat Processor as gift from local authorities
Influencer Mobility Monster 74