Finalyyy caught my first shiny Grimer!
My first shiny smeargle
My top 3 cutest shinies
Shiny Bruxish from the trade a Pokémon timed objective
Buell has made a new friend
Russian Frank Manera
Just got a shiny Minccino!
What’s your coolest looking shiny? Here’s mine
How is this game without friends?
How rare is a shiny, tiny Fuecoco?
whats ur worst hundo?
Whats the obsession with this outfit?
Just caught a shiny Wobbuffet. It’s so cute 🥰
Got my first Galarian bird.
My bank account watching me buy my 10th batch of 550 PokeCoins to spend on remote raid passes
Hi, i have a question…
Reshiram Raid Now 4716 0571 1675
Hi. If anyone is hosting a Reshiram raid please add me at 1313 4396 9323 thanks
Is this Normal or am I just really unlucky?
I have a question
White Kyurem raid code 0313 4396 9323
I have a question…
Hi I need some help with a question.
Hi. Looking for friends who are active daily as most of mine are inactive
Which Snivy should I evolve? Is attack or HP better?