Attempt at a home made Farkle Board- [KCD2]
[KCD2] Rate my drip throughout my first playthrough
[KCD2] My girlfriend and I played DICE in real and this was her first shot 😭😭
Who is always in your party?
What lotr quote do you use consistently in your day to day life?
Rob Zombies H2 was better than Halloween ends, is this controversial ?😂
Fiancé shared boudoir photos
Is a trifle an appropriate dessert to take to a British dinner party?
First Draft Night Tomorrow. Any Advice Welcome :)
What is the most recognizable song without lyrics?
What British Tv moment scarred you as a child?!
How do you learn how to play this game?
What horror movie remakes are just as good as their original counterpart?
The Exorcist: A Deep Analysis
to unhook a shark.
"Are you a tyrant?", "Yep"
What show is forever going to be your comfort show?
Sacking of Bridgetown disappeared from home screen? Not even there for me to be able to play today?
What's the most "wasted potential" horror film you've seen?
Do most people in this sub live in Boston? I'm a huge Boston fan from all the way over in New Zealand
What is the saddest song you've ever heard?
Trying to think of some PG/PG13 horrors for my kid to watch
What are you watching Tonight?
Movies that take a 90 degree turn in the plot or genre...