Do you agree
Finn Balor deserves better. Period.
The Street Prophets
If Gerald Ford had won a full term in his own right in the 1976 election and therefore remained in office as POTUS from August 1974 until January 1981, what would change or stay the same politically and culturally?
"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner ring announcing has me dying of laughter
Roman after he gets eliminated by Punk and then Punk gets eliminated
So was this a Heel vs. Heel match?
Be like Drew
It is a real shame that Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Becky Lynch never got to main event WrestleMania together in a Fatal 4-Way match that coulda-woulda-shoulda brought the house down
When WWE introduced the current World Heavyweight Championship in 2023, I wish they would have just reactivated and continued the lineage of the 2002-13 Big Gold WHC
Who is the better high flyer
Who’s the real American?
Lowkey, with jacob fatu being such a FREAKING AMAZING TALENT, I think it could be catastrophic for solos career with jacob basically being solo with charisma and better in ring skills.
Day 12 of 45 of posting Wrestlemania Main Events
Filmmakers who might be remembered hundreds of years from now?
Who do YOU want to see win this years MITB.
Who do you think is winning
I am still pissed off to this day with how WWE totally wasted The Hurt Business
I stumbled on this video out of nowhere, and Scott Steiner ring announcing in TNA has me dying of laughter
Who would you vote for in this 2000 general election for the United States presidency?
We coulda-woulda-shoulda got a revived and revamped take on The Wyatt Family instead of The Wyatt Sicks
Whats the best finisher? For me its the RKO
Any chance we will see Brock Lesnar again?
Worst thing about the EC..
How might Maryland politicians raise your taxes and what could it cost you?