Trans people, what memory from your youth/childhood you look back to and think "ahhh, so THAT was the first sign..."?
Why do people say "you are loved" if you have no viable proof of it?
They’re not even trying to hide it.
These people vote, these people voted, these people will vote.
What are some of your favorite songs by trans artists?
Is it hard for you to make friends?
My abuser is finally dying and I'm not okay.
I'm mad at all the constant falsehoods and negative press centered around trans women
People say a traumatic childhood means an easy adulthood. They were wrong.
Realising during psychotherapy that the ‘not that bad’ events of my childhood, disguised by the more pronounced traumas, may in fact be at least fairly bad
What is your (little) childhood trauma..?
Anyone else from Europe fearing WWIII?
As a kid i used to fall asleep by creating stories of someone being rescued.
How does your autism shape your clothing preferences?
What’s one thing your inner child still believes, even though you know it’s not true?
Went to the hospital-- got diagnosed as psychotic. Is this common?
Awful texture in food
"When I see trans people, all I see is collateral damage"
My mum tells everyone she survived my abuse.
I feel like in the family if there isn't an abusive patriarch, the mother has the power of basically god. Women can be vile
Does anyone feel like all of your problems could easily be fixed if you had more money?
“I met my younger self for coffee” trend is triggering as hell…
did anyone else parent themselves through the internet?
Anybody else realize that they spent their entire childhood dissociating through the internet?
My life and existence is literally discussed in politics without my permission or involvement. Therefore, this is NOT political post. This post is about my life and the red flag behaviours enabled by the people with all the power.