You want to get closer to god in you? Begin in love.
Imagination is Spiritual Sensation
The Actions Technique
How to enter consciousness, imagination, within (Same thing), How to meditate.
Thinking FROM it, is faith in action
What is Faith?
The present states of consciousness and concepts of I AM is the highest concept available.
Measures The Size/Meaning/Importance by TRUE-NESS
Sustain YOUR OWN Character
More More, said the baby.
LIVE LIFE as YOURSELF solely, and that will take care of all. That's the only living you KNOW and ARE.
Invest time in thinking, thinking for yourself.
During Sleep / Dreaming our mind slows down.
There are no governments, but Jesus Christ.
The Test
Break the barrier between all
Relaxation & Relief are the default of Creativity.
True Imaginative Living
What is Satan?
Feeling is a specific reality perception.
What is Wealth?
The Understanding of Things BRINGS PEACE UPON MAN
Consciousness is directed, like a ship at sea
The Questions Technique
To those who struggle to meditate with closed eyes.