My boyfriend ripped a hole in this blanket when he was upset. Is this fixable?
Return policies for handmade items
I lost at yarn chicken while making a beaded scarf for pride month... what do I do with it instead?
Look at these corners
Welp... I guess my eyes suck at thinking I had enough yarn for a scarf...
Text from my husband
I bruised my lower gums and I don't really know how to proceed with this T_T
yarn chicken has been won
I Think Dentures Are My Only Option Now and I Am So Angry At Myself
Ate my first real meal
I was really excited about this baby blanket until I attempted a border. I’m new to crochet and thought I could handle a double crochet border. Should I remove it?
What is the most pleasant non sex or drug related experience a human can have?
Whats a movie everyone loves but you can’t stand?
For those wanting pics of me modeling my latest project (I still look like a disheveled mom lol)
My first wearable that I still like AFTER finishing!
Update: Holy mother of pearl, I did it!
Will I win or lose?
Recording inventory and sales
What are they fighting about? Wrong answers only
Help me!
I think that’s my queue to give up on dating😭
Look at the roots on this bad boy 😮
The legality and etiquette for selling
More Than 700 Divines Giveaway