People love Moiras new party trick
Long queue times??
Bruh, dominoes… I got home, didn’t finish my other pizza last night, woke up this morning looking forward to some leftovers only to find this…
Cardboard sign spotted in front of Walmart parking lot
Check out these gorgeous wingback chairs I found at goodwill; $10 for both.
This is a weird one, but I’d love to find some of The DAWGS to game with etc., I feel like there’s a large missed opportunity here that’s not necessarily being taken advantage of.
“Dense” feeling in certain spaces and how to interpret them.
Can anyone please help me to figure out what or if this has value outside of its silver
Montanas and alike, real question… I haven’t changed my residency but have been living with my family in Wyoming for about ___ months now😉 trying to figure some personal stuff out.
Sister is going to a show tonight; put this together this morning with a little bit of graphic design and some transfer paper. What do ya think?
Anyone else struggling to register TikTok business account? I have all proper documentation etc.
Found these bad boys for $50… bit steep for shoes but regardless, I’m real happy.
Hey guys, I’m looking for some boots and hoping you guys might be able to help me out.
Can any Japanese speakers, sword collectors, etc. identify this signature?
Can any Japanese speakers, sword collectors, etc. identify this signature? (Reposted with images)
Can someone help me with however I’m supposed to use the proper grammar or even approach this?
Just finally been picking up momentum and today just finally had a day with 0% conversion. And 100% loss.
Got my first organic today. I know it’s not a lot but it’s enough to tell me there’s room to scale… also wanted to give a big f*** you to this sub in general.
Did the shop steal my sisters rotor and replace it with an old/bad part?
Can anyone Give me any recommendations? I’m in the beauty industry and I felt extremely confident in our website etc. but I’m starting to doubt.
Can you guys hype me up please
Found a current unpatched loophole for all those struggling with these business account promotions/spark ads (copyright sound wise)
Please help be save my huge orchid
Hoping to get some advice and/or ideas for quality TikTok hooks and call to action’s for our e-commerce site(We sell makeup bags), I would love ideas and/or any sort of advice for coming up with quality “anchors”.