Words from trapbunny: Thank you all so much
To Trapbunny - Wherever You Are <3
Rocky Vista Colorado interview
Lack of Transparency from TMU
TMU Invites
McGill MDCM Interview cutoff % (2024)
Are we expecting NOSM invites today ?
Kira Talent - TMU
HOT TAKE: People are prematurely celebrating getting a Kira Talent invite and ignoring that this likely means that GPA will be used competitively now.
Is anyone else constantly stressed because of the uncertainty of your future?
UBC, where are you….
Omsas gpa location
Question on Kira dates -TMU
TMU Passport
When do we think Dal Interview Invites come out this year?
Anyone applying to TMU med this year?
TMU Apps Poll
10/1 Score Predictions - We're finally here
Why did they take down the TMU webpage on OMSAS posted yesterday?
NOSM essays
9/14 anyone feel that b/bc was far too easy?
If you’re writing Casper tonight (Sept 12) and you’re scared clap your hands
Is OMSAS down for anyone else
CASPR test time