Made baked eggplant with chermoula and quinoa!
Green Heron
Looking for some crowd pleaser recipes from ottolenghi
Little song sparrow 🥹
Cardinal trying to hide behind the branches 😅
Spotted Hermit Thrush walking on the branch
Acorn woodpecker
Hermit Thrush
Does anyone have a good resource for GRE sample test.
Chatty stellar jay
Good books on Spotify?
Rivoli's hummingbird
Conspicuous wood duck enjoying the sun 🌞
Acorn Woodpecker
drunk elephant, worth the hype or overrated?
Phoenix Encore
Perseid Meteor Shower
Gregmat im overwhelmed arithmetic practice quiz 3 #16
Best cookbook purchase
Suggestions for interesting clubs/groups/classes for someone in their 20s/30s.
What note taking app do you love?
4th Avenue Scavenger Hunt
Branding your startup
My experience launching my first framer site for a client