dominating ladder retro royale with this "semi-cycle" pekka deck
How to use bomb tower properly
Level 15 ugrade priority?
[Request] How long would this take?
Made this mortarbait deck for retro royale. Is it good or nah?
Dude, “name me 20 digits of pi” strat is still SO massive
I love creative weapons! 😊
Is this dudes deck just awfull?
12yo doesn’t know what “rebel” means 😭
Just enjoy it 😃
Thought I aced it 😭🙏
How to play royal recruits guide
These logbait players are so toxic! Pekka Egiant best combo btw.
What is your favourite excercise to bias the upper lats?
Why don’t that many advanced athletes use upper/lower, or full body?
What is your favorite excercise which biases the upper lat?
Which to level 15
3 questions
god forbid a girl shitposts
God Forbid A Woman Learn About Her Body.
What is the SPECIFIC difference between these on the website?