I'm kind of in shock still...but I just slayed Moonbane for like the first time in my life.
just me smacking around vyrus
Just Deserts for our songbird troll
i learned some new attacks guys 😜😎
When My Blade comes out! RUN 🏃♂️
I fear more from ranked bots than actual top 0.1% players
Which weapon identifies a garbo player the most?
Anyone can tell me what i do wrong? beceause can't hit that lmb properly after the uppercut
What do you ban in mid?
Like, I can't even be mad...
another parry time video i found on naraka discord i wonder why this games netcode is so bad
Gacha system
Are bots OP?
Matchmaking? Hello???
Why YOU should play Greatsword!
What is the best weapon?
Zai is ridiculous
Watch until the end! This is probably my best 2v1 in Yang. It was a very long fight...
Highest Levels Of Movement.
What happened to the bots
Am I Trippin or what happened to the bloodrippers?
Game decides I didn't die to a bot for too long time
Weirdest animes you've seen? or know about?
Character Preset Forum?
I just want to say…