Why don’t tattoo places just euthanize their clients
You don't have to pay for it. 💀
The highest damaging combo for Ghostface I could find.
(repost cuz I think I did it wrong) huh, neat monster truck! Oh-
Why is The Penitent one low-key cheeked up in the second game
MaN mAuLeD bY lAkE nEsS mOnSteR (gRaPhiC)
Not sure which toilet to use
I'm at a loss for words.
Anyone else?
Should I try this for fun?
Extremely simple Liu Kang/Ferra Kombo (48% no bar full kameo)
My gf trying to refrain from petting our good boy lol
Thoughts on recent nerfs/buffs mentioned in Kombat Kast?
The entire fandom right now
Anyone else struggling to find kasual matches?
Is there a way to make it good?
New meme format
Did I really just decapitate a thief with my fishing rod?
Just switch gameplay lengths, and we're good.
FaThEr BlOwS bRaInS oUt In FrOnT oF yOuNg DaUgHtEr
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I was morbidly curious on their thoughts on Wilds.......I should not have gone and looked