Well... 😂
If the child version of you appeared before you and asked, ‘Did we turn out okay?’ what would you say?
What health tip forever changed your life?
Name our sandwich themed kitty! Our cat is Cheese and our dog is Rye!
Meet my sweet rescue baby and just came home from vet. Now she needs a name as special as she is, any ideas?
He is disgusted
All I Want For Christmas Is LoTR
What Ruined Christmas This Year?
What’s a simple pleasure in life everyone should be experience at least once ?
Please help us name this sweet little guy!
What are you NOT looking forward to this Christmas?
whats something that disturbs you?
Turns out Im homeless for a while now
Ridiculously expressive Gorilla makes her feelings clear...
What’s one piece of advice you wish you had received in your early 20s but didn’t?
She was one of the bro’s ngl
This little baby was founded inside a bag on a trash can, i adopted her but she’s still afraid. Any idea of what should I name her?
Every introverts problem
She wasn’t hungry then…
What iconic Youtube channel is no longer active?
The interplay of opposite principles constitutes the universe
Yup not sketchy at all
Do you believe in hysterical strength? If so why or why not?
Getting my little guy tomorrow. Trying to think of a cool space-inspired name for him. Any ideas?