Aussie trying to figure out how the stairs work
Went bookshopping
I'm convinced dogs understand more human language than we realize.
Does anyone know how to replicate this look (the pebbled/worn look) I assume with bleach but usually it turns more orangey than white. Got any tips?
Veronica and Mona: "Tummy-Tucked"
Can “scheduled” seizures be epilepsy?
Is 140$ a Week Too Much for Groceries ?
Wtf did I find in my pool???
For my sons 15th bday. It's not perfect but it's mine!
I call this fit "Revenge of the Tiger Goth" 🐯
Heard whimpering from the bedroom.. found a stuck Houndini trying to escape his Donut of Shame
Riddick loves lettuce… well all food really
Sallys Pizza is overrated
My personal favourite🤤
I adopted a new dog after my recent loss – mixed emotions
Who we picking?
I feel like Cthulhu in this fit
My dog threw up a banana-size looking hairball?
What’s her breed? Shelter rescue
as seen on Tumblr
(Another) work fit
Call your senators and ask to remove Schumer from leadership
Making sure I the make popcorn for movie night
I heard about this thing
Any Idea Why My Dog Behaves Likes This?