Went bookshopping
I'm convinced dogs understand more human language than we realize.
Does anyone know how to replicate this look (the pebbled/worn look) I assume with bleach but usually it turns more orangey than white. Got any tips?
Veronica and Mona: "Tummy-Tucked"
Can “scheduled” seizures be epilepsy?
Is 140$ a Week Too Much for Groceries ?
Wtf did I find in my pool???
For my sons 15th bday. It's not perfect but it's mine!
I call this fit "Revenge of the Tiger Goth" 🐯
Heard whimpering from the bedroom.. found a stuck Houndini trying to escape his Donut of Shame
Riddick loves lettuce… well all food really
Sallys Pizza is overrated
My personal favourite🤤
I adopted a new dog after my recent loss – mixed emotions
Who we picking?
I feel like Cthulhu in this fit
My dog threw up a banana-size looking hairball?
What’s her breed? Shelter rescue
as seen on Tumblr
(Another) work fit
Call your senators and ask to remove Schumer from leadership
Making sure I the make popcorn for movie night
I heard about this thing
Any Idea Why My Dog Behaves Likes This?
Wore this Tiger fit on Fri 🐯☠️