I could've sworn there was a human who talked like this
This shook me
Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.
Is it possible to get a referral to a GP without parents consent
dating apps are now filled with ai bots
Who is coming to save you
My 5th grader's History test -_-
Is there a point to getting an under 18 referral?
Snow piling up in bedrock.
Egg :D irl
Really? You want to swim in 100°C?
Choose wisely
My partner wouldn’t eat my sausages because they were “burnt”
i saw the element and thought "bro thats meeeee frfr"
Bizzare customer encounter.
How do I get past this part guys????
Egg irl
This message feels oddly familiar
Well, what was it
Duolingo does not give a damn
My mom burned all my drawings
Why is it so hard to choose
The irony.
Found this on Tumblr
Fluster me (transfem) make sure its SFW or i will be deleting your comment thanks