It's not gatekeeping guys! It's PROPERLY classifying the SEVERITY of trauma!
Stealing art and BeInG eDgY
Bingo! RAMCOA faker fails to be unique
Don't listen to gatekeepers.
...medic holder?
...excuse me, w h a t?
Cringe AI voiceover+misinformation
Ooh, a literal psychopath! I'm so scared
How many of you guys sleep with some sort of weapon within reach?
And more? All of this at 13? Sure
Update on McLean Hospital+faker acting like an idiot.
Self-diagnosed 13 year old
I hAtE sInGlEtS!!!!!
uwu my little is so trawmatized!!!
Acting entitled.
I found this gym on a discord server I am in
15 y/o claiming DID and BPD
seems legit
'diagnosed' DID system that was 'never abused' mocking and cussing out people that mean them well(translated from Korean).
weeee my mom made me wear ugly shoes so i'm traumagenic!
Diagnosed by a friend's fictive who is a doctor, claims to know more about DID than most therapists
All the screaming when we're back inside