Being French on dayZ...
I'm fed up with the French
TIL you can saw the barrel of pretty much any long gun.
Who completely finished the game?
EU8187 who stole my blue Lada
What if your favorite Vito’s Outfit?
I despair with humanity
How old was you when you first played any of the games?
Can you add custom music
King Of The Bay
Quel est le jeu que tout le monde a adorer mais que vous avez détester ?
Who is this (wrong answers only)
Le monde et ses idées penchent de plus en plus à droite et ça me terrifie
PVP, Wolves, and zombies. The upmost chaos
mind-blowing death
Are there really good things in the Livona bunker?
I've been waiting a long time for this
Shooting while ride horse now complete
Do you also create custom decals for your buses? Which one of mine do you like the most?
I need one person for play with me
I need help
C’est la première fois que je post ici.. Je continue ?💜
J'adore prendre des photos nue de moi 🙈🔥
Cul nul a la salle. Tu me démontes dans les vestiaires ?
Quel livre lisez-vous actuellement?