My friend takes photos for a animal rescue
What would you do with this bathroom?!
Wife's gonna kill me. Is this chair ruined or can I fix it?
How can I fix this?
Dealer says I need to replace the the front brake discs. Do they look like they need replacement?
McDonald’s New “Play Place” for Children. Two screens/two chairs
What’s your favorite rice dish??
Ceiling fan light stays on. I think it takes a remote?
Opened my ram and there was nothing inside, i got scammed 🤬
How many years left on these pads?
A club is just a cluster of tightly packed sweaty humans wriggling in close proximity to one another over perfectly timed beats and sounds synced with flashing colorful lights.
Your thoughts on the "stable" coin USDN
Your thoughts on the new "stable" coin USDN
Looking for Herman Miller Chairs
Emergency number just hung up on us?
Neurologist wasted my time
Is this a German roach? [Maybe 2cm, Kuwait]
I'm a Flight Attendant, today I had a flight with 13 passengers
Drop your wallpaper 🎀
First weevil pinning
How can one open/loosen/unclamp this type of hose clamp?
Top Chain in YOUR state
After 3 years of holding it together with hopes and dreams i finally bought an actual router