Art so good I don’t even care that the card is straight ass
First Serialized!!
Brawl as a format feels inherently flawed, at least in arena
Is this good?
Huge result from my impulse buy
Same guy who praised Daniel Penny
What's the difference? Why can u steal a Commander with Come Back Wrong but not with Athreos?
Tell me your favourite MF DOOM song and I'll se if your allowed in
do you agree?
And I thought the Sauron poster foil was going to be the highlight of the box.
Did I just get scammed by TCG Direct?
What is the deck that you get the most hate for?
The “promo card” from a chaos box from Walmart
Worth putting in a pantz blink deck?
Should I buy?
At this point if every single new team will be needed for absolutely everything, can we slow down on the releases?
Oh yeah, so what do people use as sleeves? Saw this set at the mall and just knew i needed it
Any cool red hulk decks at 7000+ CL
What if I told you Black Swan was good? Deck and info in comments
Me trying to do Black Swan quest (I gave up)
Snarky Pants feels slow
Thoughts on my new sleeves?
Pantlaza Blink -- Looking for Advice :)
Driving Manual
Help with precon upgrade