РУКИ ЗА ГОЛОВУ!!! Это ограбление на вопросы!!!!!
I am so hard right now
Баянистая паста про знаменитого певца Джи-Джи Аллина
Auto translated pasta about famous singer GG Allin
Proud of myself
This shit is actually hilarious 😂
Опечтака, или?..
HK charm tier list cause the last one I saw on here was an insult to my eyes
Image that you might be able to hear
TIFU by matching on a dating app with a woman who believes children are being kidnapped at Disney World and being trafficked to billionaires.
Path Of Pain Is (one of) the best and most fun difficult challenges in the game
I just want 1000 upvoted😭😭😭
Guy charges a man with a shotgun in a tattoo parlor
Какие вкусняшки из вашего детства уже не достать?
Dorian’s Challenge
On a steel soul, is it okay to die in Pantheons? Or will it be permadeath?
I gone check on myla after i get crystal heart to show her and i am sad now :(
Live footage of snail
I have succeeded. But what have I gained? Nothing but emptiness.
Just sat and watched the sunset on my birthday with this cat I don't know
Guys, do we have any lore on Gorb? Serious answers only
По каким вкусняшкям и снекам, которых больше нет в продаже, вы скучаете?
Just finished Welcome to the NHK for the first time.
Кто-то пытался звонить по телефону доверия?
Fun fact! If you dont interact with elderbug on your first visit he will let out a cry of some sorts and wave at you. And also you get new dialogue!