Which four faces are in Mount Rushmore?
For my history guys here, favorite subject of these?
This can't be legal lol
Do you support Trump's tariffs?
This Weekly Theme will be about the best form of succession for a monarchy. We'll discuss our preferred systems and their pros. Get ready for some hot takes and controversial opinions
After the publication of my 5 stunning essays, shall i continue to campaign for mod?
I think it's been a decent amount of time, what's your personal favorite exotic?
What's the difference between these? I'd like to uninstall whatever I can to free up space.
Why the fuck just why
In your country, should presidential candidates undergo tests before they can begin running for president?
Do you believe there is a justification for murder?
Weekly Theme Poll
Already done with the battlepass…
i'm queer and why...
Nepal Sees Surging Popular Support For Former King — Will Monarchy Make A Comeback?
Why the hell is bro still here
Have you written a memoir about yourselves?
Are you using Reddit on your Phone, Laptop, or other device?
Just a small detail I noticed in this shot. The birds in the background cast a shadow on the poster. The poster is translucent and not just a 'hard plane'. But just the overal lighting is next level. These are the small details that will make this game epic.
With America "fall" in the near future because we are reaching the 250 year lifespan mark
You hear a hear a voice say to you every few hours, "I am god, and you have been chosen to be the next messiah." What do you do?
If you could be the Emperor/Empress of any of these totally fair lands, which would it be? [p.1 - real past empires]
Without cheating, what event happened on this day, March 15th?
If you could be the Emperor/Empress of any of these totally fair lands, which would it be? [p.2 - fantasy kingdoms]
We are going backwards