Donald Trump is a _______ guy.
I love u/______________
Help! How do i get my crush to fall in love with me?
Let’s try again. Use only the first letter of your username. Make up a new word. Person who says goodbye has to give a definition. If someone breaks the username rule, do not reply to them. Just reply to the person before and downvote rule breaker.
Spirits, what’s your favourite porn genre?
Spirits of Reddit, what should I name my Firstborn son?
Holy shit! Is that the ______ over there!
Never safe from _
"I've come to make an announcement"
The earth is ____
Spirits, who will win the 69th US Presidential election?
Don't put your ______ in that
I have a ______ fetish
I feel so ____
Do you think you’re conservative because of conservative values, or because of a dislike of the left?
What’s better than day drinking? ‘Cause I’m drinking right now, and it’s great. You little shits should try it.
Oh look, it’s little miss _______
Have you eaten human?
My life is incomplete without ______
It’s an older ________ sir, but it checks out.
Did you really think ____ would get you laid??
Who shall be used as a bowling pin and hit with hard balls?
Have you played Papa's ________?
I swear I'm not a weirdo, I just really like ______
Spirits, should I have a bed time