Should I keep playing Fable 2?
What is everyone's headcannons for the names of the Protagonists names in the main series?
What does this guys private browser look like ?
Just started Ragnarok and got this email from playstation. Without spoilers, can someone tell me why Kratos is green now?
Guys I did it
Make the comment section look like Jin's search history.
What kind of weapon could I make out of this
Which boss had you like this?
What is one thing you're going to miss from GOT knowing it won't be in GOY?
Any way to see which Silver Keys I'm missing?
Best weapon for a beginner?
Which is the hardest boss in ur opinion in game?
Good Fable-like game
Fable as a Soulslike?
About to play Anniversary for the first time, what should I NOT do?
How do I level up?
Bloodborne replay value
Why didn’t Freya use the same spell she used on Baldur on herself or Kratos to kill Odin?
Most underrated boss in the game
How disconnected do you want this game to be from Tsushima? Would you like to see some Sakai and/or Shimura descendants or not?
This goes on the list of the dumbest stuff I tried to do
If you could have one weapon from ANY video game, what would it be?
How does my character look?
Describe all the gods in one word