I can't open social media without being bombarded by incel/trad/misogynistic content
I repaired a BB as a noob
When does looking at women become the male gaze?
Poor fella is confused
Do women's leagues exist to protect men's feelings?
I dont think feminism is needed in south korea. Can anyone change my view?
Man I started talking to is against modern feminism. I immediately feel repulsed
A question about women's sexualization. Do women like being sexualized after being treated as a person once in a relationship?
Fine. I’m old, but it’s still funny!
Are women-only know-how courses a good feminist practice?
Are women only independent from men due to advancements in science? Or can women survive without men without the need of modern technology?
Dude thinks it's a disability
What's your opinion on sexual education in schools?
Is r/twoxchromosomes a bad place to go as a man to learn about the struggles of women in order to become a feminist?
I've got a serious question here.
Women can't handle being denied physical intimacy.
Have stereotypical nice guys ruined the image of genuine nice guys?
How do you guys feel about dick shaming?
Does he think a woman’s orgasm releases eggs?
Found This Wonderful Interaction on r / self
Leave it to conservatives to not know the difference between masturbation and ovulation
Why is judging men based on financials is not considered a form of sexism?
How do you end a friendship?
not every woman is like this, lol?