Looking for Scroll league meta pokemon, offering pages 2 and 3
Getting rid of some pokes (attempt 2 because I forgot to include a pic an hour ago)
Looking for first pic, offering the rest. Offers welcome too.
Lf&offering giveaway meargle with LO/FP, all I ask is you do the same for others :) have 10 or so to give
Looking for / offering mirror
LF 1st Page Offering 2nd Page
Would love a shiny gren or ceruledge
Looking for Lucky Shiny Reshiram or Zekrom or Kyurem / Offering Shiny Reshiram plus another legendary shiny
Lf shiny costumes or shiny bgs offering below
Jiggly puff, wurmple, and Kirlia have costumes. LF first pic and other high CP things. Offering other pics. Also looking for shiny eevee or eeveelutions. Preferably for something you have registered
lf shiny ultra beast and tapus offering gmax and random shinies
Lf cosmog and offering everything below
Looking for pic 1. Offering pics 2-4
FT: in Pictures. LF: (Read Description)
Looking for pic 1. Offering pics 2-4. Castform is registered
Giving away some shinies in go. Can custom OT
Looking for offering. Can someone walk me through how to trade bc I’ve never done this before.
LF 1st Pic, Offering The Rest
Looking for pic 1 and shiny Attack/Defense for Deoxys in GO, offering rest of pics