How do get into Pokemon
Some people actually enjoyed calling their parents
What is your narcissistic parents' profession? Both of mine are doctors.
I want to be adopted abroad
Book club in Tokyo
Does anyone want to be my ‘found family’
Need a sister figure
Everyone's living their life and i'm vegetating.
Does any girls want to hang out?
19F, interested in talking to someone.
I’m freakin invisible
Skin Clinics in Japan
Comestic Clinics that help with Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation!
What hopsital has good neurologist specialising in neuropathy
Go back to abusive parent for education money or leave fully
Moving to Japan for only a month
Platforms to find safety net?
wishing i had empath friends
How to find someone to financially provide and care for me
Good neurologists& cardiologists ?
Trustworthy neurologists& cardiologists
Do you know a narcissist who has evolved?
my abusive father just died
18F Looking for any family (all) to talk to
How to create a safety net for myself