How can I play this on Mac?
Can someone explain the controls to me ?
Dumb luck, will never happen again
Why don't people consider mahito top 10?
Lets make the strongest hitman ever. The most upvoted character will be picked for the current stat (Strength).
If Goku and Vegeta fused during the Tournament of power, how differently would things have shaked out?
I'm sure that I am late realzing this but...
Insane Beatbox
easy choice honestly
Just watched the last episode today!
Siri must've dumped bro and left him depressed because wtf is this?
Bru this mf is annoying asf
Screw Japanese. Sanskrit dub is lit 💥
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
how long would gaolang last against homelander? laser beams and flight are disabled for this match.
Would you rather get hit by Itadori's Black Flash or Tsukumo's Mass Punch?
I am so cooked💔🥀
This definitely gonna be a hot take but with the conclusion of cour 1, I can safely say the anime did a decent-good job adapting the manga and even surpassed it on a rare occasion
Why didn't Yuji get burnt up?
what is this
Has anyone made art of Yuki in these?
"Do you think kittens know who's their grandmother kitty?"
Who wins?
Next day in school after holi