My 10/10 Albums (Ranked) [10-9.8]
Rainy day Vapor
bro out here lookin like the pot of greed
Which one is y’all’s favorite? 333%, 666%, or 999%?
dabo straight up shat himself on kais stream
glaze of the century bro
dabo look like a goddamn alien bro
Guys i think i may be schizophrenic
The end.
its ok bro i forgive you. Wanna hug it all out?
Ykw maybe youre right. ill stop now.
Is yo fault for confessing your bitchass parasocial ass
STOPPP YOURE making me CRY :(((
Shut up bro you a cornball
Bro all i did was be honest and this is what i get bro...
Sybau bra🤣🤣😭😭
I have now moved on from kai to dontai, he is now my true love
I give up... Kai cenat will never love me and i am a loser....
Kais earlobes are making my pants wet... broo how does such a beautiful creature exist.
KAIS KNUCKLES ARE SO MANLY AND BEAUTIFUL. please answer my texts my glorious king....
kais tear ducts are so beautiful bro... i think im bisexual now...
Kais beard is one of the mosty beautiful sights i have ever seen in my life.. should i ask him to marry me...
kais teeth..... i have no words for this beautiful man..
Kai has such beautiful lucious lips bro......