whats your opinion on the infamous i quit match between mankind vs rock?
The Houston Hangover was a thing of beauty
Best Ever Series No. 1
Is this the real Whatsthestatus ?
How's this for a boy stable. Demo Crush. Brah Crush. I ❤ Japan Crush. Nation Crush. And biker miker liker Crush.
This is the most Over Bron Strowman has ever or will ever be.
Shane Helms: “Tearing wrestlers or wrestling companies down doesn’t help the wrestling business. This goes for ‘fans,’ wrestlers and ‘vets’ alike.”
Mortos Weakness 😂
Scott Steiner vs. Hulk Hogan in 2000:
how I would book stone Cold Steve Austin's WrestleMania career if he wasn't forced to retire
[David Shoemaker] Seth Rollins is one of the biggest stars in WWE, but who is he?
Billed as The Biggest Rematch in WCW History – Did SuperBrawl VIII Deliver?
This has to be one of the stupidest finishes to a title match I’ve seen in a long time.
“I’m starting to feel the spark again- anddd nvm”
Thumbtacks have to be the worst. Don’t know how Foley kept doing this for years.
Kevin Nash says that the Rock achieve his major success only because Steve Austin got hurt in ‘99.
The Most Followed Wrestlers on Social Media. Any surprises?
Still can’t believe that Tanaka used the theme song before Goldberg 😂
Hollywood Hogan vs Sting wins for Great story with an awful match. What's an ok story with an awful match?
Lmao should they give this another chance before retirement? 😂
The stark contrast between the finishes of the first and last Ospreay vs Fletcher matches
Choose wisely