What's a physical trait you find attractive that other people may not?
I haven't slept in 4 days, nothing is working
In what ways did you lose yourself?
So, when does the "worse before it gets better" end?
Has your narcissistic relationship landed you on psychiatric meds?
The after effects of abuse are killing me. I feel like I’m an alien in my own body
Did anybody else’s abuser NEVER apologize
Literally constant lower eyelid twitching
Anyone been through a mental health crisis and made it out the other side? I'm feeling hopeless
The only thing I like about my face are my eyes and I feel like they’re a waste on my face
This is how he acts any time I stand up for myself or gently call him out on hurtful behavior
The kind of people narcissists are attracted to.. what kind of person are you ?
How do narcissists feel after discarding you?
AIO or is my boyfriend manipulative
Bad sex?
The sex
Why do I hate him, but also only want him? I'd do anything to not feel this way
35M and very ugly. Any positivity you can find would be appreciated
“Stop making it about you”
How did they break up with you?
What tiny thing made them flip out?
I (31F) recently found out my boyfriend’s (39M) thinks I’m unattractive, can I ever move past this?