Close-up: USA New Finland Map Circa 2003
Operation Alaska: The Relocation of Finland
Post Apocalyptic Levant as of 2036, 6 years after the dead rose
Hate crime at my church
Map overlaying Operation Barbarossa to the United States-1943
"They rigged the election and I became President, so that was a good thing.''
Could someone help date this map?
Is this supermax overkill?
Two of my prisoners returned as death row
Favorite Campbell hidden gem restaurants?
What if Algeria was Rhodesiad?
Apparently Chicagoland (9.4 million people) is about as large as the Country of Belguim (11.8 million people)
Propagandistic British map of WW2 Europe, 1964. [Dieselpunk Europe]
Rest of his sentence and then some in solitary
Not getting reoffending rate grant?
Never see families visit
Is there a way to stop janitors from going inside my Legendary wing during the day when they're awake? I've had numerous janitor deaths and I'm trying to create a sufficient enough wing where my Legendaries stay isolated and can't kill my staff. So far only my janitors have died.
best glue to use for broken hinge?
Uncle Sam hosting Thanksgiving dinner with many diverse immigrants. 1863 Thomas Nast
Oh, how can we forget the "summer of love" where they beat police officers over the head with fire extinguishers, metal poles, and 2x4's. They are trying to gaslight all of us
Death Centres during the British Seizure of Ireland (published 1959)
What's the meaning of this (date unknown)
The Moledhes Colossus
For the Ex-Mormons What Drew you to Catholicism