Welcome to Iti barsanti in Italy
iOS 18.4 Public Beta 1 just got released!
I don’t know what to do
Help needed
Maverick’s jacket
Help needed to make a guitar
Droppate l'ultima canzone che avete ascoltato/state ascoltando
Looking forward to learning, first guitar :)
I have a genuine doubt
What's the physics topic you thought you understood until you found out you didn't?
Newbie Guitarist
C’è qualcuno che conosce i principi di Kirchhoff e sa come applicarli a dei circuiti?
Is there anyone who knows Kirchhoff’s principles and knows how to apply them to circuits?
Qual'è la vostra
M.2 SSD suggestion
Ditemi la vostra band rock/punk/grunge/metal (tutti generi metal) preferita e Ve le classifico.
I’m an idiot
Che ne dite della mia playlist?
Almost failed but going on to day 9