Valrak discusses what's coming for World Eaters.
Meta Monday 3/17/25: The Last Weekend of the Old Meta
Old timey volleygun
Where do you draw the line on pointing things out to your opponent?
Can I disembark from a transport that arrived from reserve?
Vanguard Spearhead Dead???
Has Ultramarines Vanguard Spearhead Been ‘Removed from the Game’?
Advice on 1k Biosanctic List
Objectively most neglected factions since the beginning of 10th edition?
Dataslate has arrived!
Aberrants, abominant and fight on death
Q2 2025 Balance Update released
Who Is this guy?
Marking advice
When you think you have enough terrain
Balance update coming this week
Other Greenskins gods?
Where should I start with miniatures?
How do you guys feel about your main faction in terms of how viable it is right now?
Question about base sizes.
500pt list ideas?
Out of phase actions.
Meta Monday 3/3/25: The Elves Are Back In Town
New to the chapter