Sticking with Ye until I die
Ye betrayed
Use this post as your i liked the album from day one marker
the leaks were better than they are on the album tbh
this is one of the best songs he’s ever made in his career
My man what are these song titles?
Please tell me there’s other people than me that like the album too😭
I Am Music album cover...
Album Release Megathread
YVL Snippet
Favorite song off of Balloonerism?
carti fucking hung up on kai LMAO
anyone else plan to listen album but NOT support carti or enjoy it
ngl I’m gon miss us before this album 🥺
out for delivery lads LETS GOO
yo she ain’t texting me back
These mfrs are gonna be looking real dumb real soon
Claim your “i was here” button
Nap technique is overpowered rn 🔥🔥🔥🔥😭😭😭😭
Please no kid cudi, lil baby, youngboy, or future on the album🙏
i feel like Carti the kind of guy to not release the album Friday purely because someone got the scoop on his release date 💀💀💀
Y’all beg and cry for an album and when it’s actually in your face It “doesn’t exist”
Custom Oakley glasses
Bro’s not even making headlines anymore. My GOAT is officially washed. 😭🙏🥀