Taemin Song Recommendations?
What SHINee songs hit different as live versions for you?
Real talk: I was born a biological woman, and absolutely orgasm during anal sex. What… why?
AITA for “sneaking” vegetarian food into my FIL’s meal?
Looking for movies with disappointing and unsatisfying endings ?
Thoughts on the name Darwin?
Give me a show to start binging on the plane today.
A movie that made you feel uneasy for days
Songs that sound good right away?
Getting stoned with friends tonight need funny ass movies
Americans, how do you pronounce Helena?
What are some songs that feel like yearning?
What are the best "something is off" films?
What's a name that you really liked and remembered for a long time
Am I going to feel out of place if I go to the concert?
My consultation doctor said it’ll take 9-10 months. I was surprised bc I’ve seen most people over a year at least. Should I be concerned with this doctor?
Kpop actors
Do I need a lightstick?
What K-pop song did you think was wholesome until you read the lyrics?
what was the first kdrama you watched
What was your first concert?
Your favourite 'older' kpop groups recs?
Girl names with an A
Does anyone else sorta feel… sad when they beat the games?