Songs where each word is longer than the last
I genuinely need somebody to explain to me, what the hate behind this movie is..because, I felt it was great.
White is finsihed
Red is completed
Red: SSD is now complete!
Songs that name drop the album they're on without being titled the same as the album
The Russo Brothers and the next Avengers
Loki Season 2 (No Spoilers)
Who do you think the features will be in Open Infinitum?
Purple is completed
Who actually likes the Goliaths Throne album?
Is there anything you would change about these two films
song titles that sound like the reason for an arrest
now hear me out on this one
Bаd things to say in an airplane
What marvel movie is the most comic book accurate and what movie is the least comic book accurate?
Songs where the protagonist is dead/dying (bonus points if it references others' reactions)
Thought on the new Open Infinitum teaser?
Songs about hating things
Peace Be Thy Shit
Shit in mouth
Anyone heard any rumblings on Birth From Exile?
Sorry if this has been said before, but...
Who is this? (Wrong answers only).
I can't sleep
People who need background noise to fall asleep, what do you listen to?