The last of us is at best a mediocre game
Do people care if I use an SOS to make grinding go faster?
Do you buy records before listening to the album
Wij hebben geen hobbies
Tattoos are unattractive.
I’m too high for this rn I forgot the vid in the last post
LoveDrug Will Age The Best Out Of Any Mayhem Song
Learning music theory
I don't wanna do music anymore Man.
This is a playthrough of the FL Studio project file of my latest song, Dancing In A Crowded Room. It features real guitars, bass and vocals, 6 instances of FLEX, and a drumset VST.
Discussion Thread: THE OVERVIEW
I don't think it's supposed to do that
Heck nope
Fear of personal lyrics
Life is a Movie
My Gf likes Lana Del Rey's music: what do I start with?
I wrote a song, now what?
Who would kill this beat? 😤
Does this sound too off kilter to work for a song (4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 1/4)
What would you say are your "eras" of songwriting?
The music that is popular today is hot garbage.
Bredere bedden, grotere kleren: samenleving groeit langzaam mee met steeds zwaardere mensen
This is - seriously - my first song ever. I made it in 2008 for a school project videogame. (More info in comments)
“More challenging than Tempered Monsters”