Is it worth cutting up this (cheap knockoff) shirt to slap on as a back patch?
First jacket, opinions?
songs that have their track number [in their respective album] in the title
How much is that huge jar full of pickled ______?
Whats your favorite monster flavour?
Is this a good first guitar?
What is your favourite song in this album
Song to listen to whilst digging holes.
What metal song blew your mind the first time you heard it?
Songs that say a slur
First hand made patch
Songs that say the artist(s) name in them
Name a perfect album
Rate my playlist 1-10
What’s the first song you’re playing on these speakers?
Which song left you like this the first time you listened to?
Found a couple coins, hoping they’re all worth more than a dollar each
Help with a costume…?
Need a bit of help with a costume for Halloween I wanna do
What song you playing
Do it
The last song people here listened to
King Something