Why on the server list do all the avatars look the same?
Is Dres meant to be this broken for science?
Why is my block sideways?
What are some old and forgotten games you still play sometimes?
I recreated the ASM-135 anti satellite missile
I dont know how bill is surviving this re entry but he seems to be enjoying it
Solar Eclipse In Ksp 2?
I made a 1:1 scale SLS/Space Launch System
I made a highway that goes all the way to the end
Why is a stellar wasp on the floor? xd
Why do some wood blocks have nails and some don’t?
Is the soccer ball the heaviest block in build a boat???
Just made an XB-70 Valkyrie
Is it just me or are the servos not working as hinges?
Adding Any Comments To The Burger (pls upvote so jessetc see)
Just finished took me 4 hours and i cant even fly it cuz its too laggy
When theres no propellers
Best strut plane yes
I made the starship
What is this?
When I get bored I just make random stuff and I made a fan so yes
I made a hamster ball where ever I move the whole thing moves with me
i heard you didnt upvote?
Egg Dog :D This was a pain to paint btw it took like 1-2 hours of just painting
I made the box but for the sparklers I used candles and comment what I should put in the box