Super cute Connie fanart.
This guy is gonna have the hardest soundtrack of chapter 4 isn't it?
Tried to redesign the emotions and stuff, how did I do?
Original O I I A I U cat sound
Drew the funny pizza man
מגדל הפיצה
Drake the type of mf to have this car in a trip and shout: "(insert place here) HERE WE COME"
Guys I'm going insane
שעמם לי בבית ספר לא יודע
Was playing smash hit and the game crashed
יו, מה האות ה16 באלף בית האנגלי?
עשיתי את הציור הזה אבל לא היה מוצלח בסאב הקודם אז אני שולח כאן
Rubber hose dandy or something
אני לא מאבד את זה
How i think yarnaby is gonna die
Made a pebble for daughter’s birthday
I think this is a possibility some of yall have not considered
one of the two character for a game i'm working on :P
Pluey everybody's favorite Deltarune character
my name is david
I saw this from Twitter and it's from TikTok. What the hell?!?
Pizsahead looey