Small Dog - Nikon F5 / DC-Nikkor 135mm / SB-80DX / Portra 160
Alaskan Coast - Nikon F5 / AF-Nikkor 180mm F2.8 D / Provia 100F
Two Palms - Nikon F2 / Nikkor 50mm F1.8 AI-S / Ektachrome 100D / KR1.5 filter
Infinity - Nikon F2 / Nikkor 28mm F2.8 AI-S / Ektachrome 100D
Best way to approach my classmate for a photo?
film stock recommendations for low contrast like this
Got my hands on a Rollei 35 S at a flea market for 10€
I pushed tri-x 400 3 stops and used a red filter and i got this. Thoughts?
Should I push Ektar to 400?
Nikon F3
Are premium prices at used camera stores worth it?
I've been trying street photography but I'm struggling to blend in. Could it be because of my setup?
The Leica experience... wasn't for me
When it comes to pushing film…
Best travel lenses for 35mm camera Nikon F2
Is my Nikon F2 curtain completely fucked?
Nikon F2-AS or F3-T/HP?
Nikon FM2 built-in light meter or app?
Colour film suggestions - tropical island
My sidekick for the weekend, what's yours?
Optimal Lens for Negative/Slide Scanning (Leica)
Found this Nikon on local Fb Market
Best film scans in Toronto?
film camera repair disappointment / advice
Nikon f3hp lens