Is it called cursor because i spend the whole day cursing at it 🤔
Is 18% tip normal in US?
I wish v0 integrated with cursor
Is cursor available from the browser?
Would you recommend your child’s studies accounting?
How do you approach straight appearing women?
How often do you see positive turn arounds after DV? Seems like the beginning of the end
Is it possible to make a replica Lamborghini for less than 50k?
What is the best way to incorporate photos into a video?
What are red flags for an intern at a startup to look for before joining full time???
How did your preference in men change from 20s to 30s?
What is the nastiest thing your significant other does?
American INTPs: What would you really do if the military called for a mandatory draft?
What culture is black culture similar to from a values standpoint?
We need to stop calling it vibe coding…time for a rebrand
What is it like to be a spokesperson? (Think very popular spokesperson like State Farm guy)
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
What was the most heartbreaking sentence someone said to you?
If you had a magic wand, what time consuming task in your life would you automate?
What are signs that someone has worked in law enforcement?
When is the best time to visit India as an American female?
Do you personally know any black people who are public trump supporters ?
Stop Talking About Vibe Coding Please
Do you get really into ASMR? It tickles my brain