Ways to deal with Voja
Next DLC for sure
The protagonist of the last game you played is teleported to the Mortal Kombat universe. Can they survive?
I’m done with ranked
Complaining about MTX to the 255K out of the millions is foolish.
Red and Purple ranked experience is poor atm
I gotta learn to quit while I'm ahead.
Feng is absolutely disgusting to fight against now...
Some Devil Jin Swagger
More ragequitters than ever before
Laws Monkey Voice is Annoying
How the hell is my Average Damage (counter combo) 272?
To Those of You Who Win and Quit the First Round
Finally got the game! What are some good Bryan combos?
Wtf is wrong with this community
PSA Mortal Kombat Players
Online hostility
44% General Shao Kombo
Receding water levels a concern for Gull Lake, Alta. - Edmonton | Globalnews.ca
NY Mag - Exhaustive guide to tipping
Someone in Bowness had this left in their mailbox. Found it on the Bowness Facebook group. Just, wow.
Not using 1-10, how attractive are you?
What do you think of activists who are throwing paint on museum art displays in protest?
I heard my neighbor wiping his feet on my doormat, we had an extra one so I put it in front of his door as a statement of assertive communication, I heard his door open, and then close and he's in his house asking everyone where it came from
What thing makes you instantly nervous?