What if Poland had been around WW1?
This is the most satisfying game of my life.
Luxembourgian painter gone mad.
I wouldn't like to see Stalin face when he see this.
I don't think they will ever recover from this...
What if Russia had won World War 1?
1 entire Italian army encircled
Ranking Land Doctrines
"With MacArthur counter-attack everything will be alright"
What if Napoleon I had returned during World War 2?
200+ divisions encircled
Every HOI4 player Wet Dream
Massive Encirclement
Beating the entire AXIS alone as Poland be like:
“We Shall Never Surrender” - Churchill
Ranking ideologies based on HOI4 focus trees.
The largest encirclement I have ever made.
How did we get here?
Achieving World Peace
He is literally standing on water
Since when does the AI does this?
What is China doing in Europe 💀💀💀
HOI4 but the world is communist
We vs The World
Anybody noticed this state?