Nobody is doubting he can pull any famous actor even for cameos. Where is the art and risk-taking in auditioning even for just one of the main roles?
What is Christopher Nolan's "best overall work"?
Describe one word about Leonard Hofstadter
What is Christopher Nolan's "worst overall work"?
You think these 6 films carried the infinity saga?
Alright this is dope, easy Upgrade for $10
If you could remove any person from Big Bang Theory who would it be and why?
Ukrainian ambassador to US when hearing Trump and Zelensky argue
As much as I blame the board/owners for this season…
outjerked by espenuk💀
Then you become master of coin.
FC25 Ultimate team
5*89+ ww. Is this even legal?
So there are no other good zombie games expect tlou and days gone??😭
Now…Whose character arc started ok but ended bad.
My Uncharted Series Ranking as a first timer player.
The hate for Pep is unnecessary and almost shocking
Which playstyle is better
It still pisses me off that we got Korg in a Thor movie before Beta Ray Bill.
What’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Greatest Uncharted Games of All Time?
Stop the count!!
Neymar on Rodri's comment about Vini's attitude.
Which player turned you from doubter to believer?
What‘s your impression of him so far?
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