Guess the grade 1882-CC
A year worth of cat whiskers that I have found on my floors/couch/surfaces from my gang of 3
fock girl math
What can I be doing better? Am I saving too much that it’s messing me up in the long run
How to always be sharp?
Destroying Martin as Black 103-0
Found the next guest
Which guest on FA has scared you straight?
One bishop away
Roast me and give me advice. What am I doing wrong? 43m 340k net worth
Reddit Loans????
This vending machine that doesn’t display prices. It’s $6.50 a drink.
Spicy queen sack
The willful ignorance of the people on the show. I just don't get it.
Help me understand pins better
Let’s get Caleb Hammered 🍻
My mother’s response to finding out I have an autoimmune disease. 🙃
my humble "stack"
My first checkmate guys! Thanks a LOT!
Bishop sac in the colle system (sorta)
First non-bullet win against a titled player
Sometimes, you should ignore the engine's feedback.
Posting this before I lose it
When do we get the next famous person on FA?